Volunteer Opportunities

Do you have a close walk with Jesus Christ? Do you have a heart for the hurting kids of our community? Do you have two hours every other week commit to mentoring a youth consistently? Prayerfully consider applying to Volunteer with us this season.
MentorsMentors a youth in an hour and a half session. They do a small chore together and then pick an activity (horses, fishing, archery, art, gardening) that will help the youth grow in their particular area of need (confidence, communication, relationships, boundaries, trust etc.).
Requirements: personal relationship with Jesus, actively in the Word, compassionate, a good listener and a heart for children. No horse or archery experience needed as that can be taught. Commitment: Each youth comes either every week or bi-weekly. The mentor will be paired with them for the duration of the season (April 1-Oct 31) Pick which afternoon(s) M-Th 4-6:30 that work for you either weekly or biweekly. Mentoring has a really big impact on these children's lives. Although it may sound intimidating, a mentor does not need to have all the answers or fix the youth's problems. These youth just need someone to consistently spend time with them and show them a healthy way to process life. GreetersWelcome our families as they arrive and are a listening ear for the parents or guardians. The Greeter position is a lot like the mentor position but for the parents/guardians. We have seen wonderful bonds happen and just as much fruit as with the youth. We have even had some start studying the Bible together.
Requirements: personal relationship with Jesus, actively in the Word, compassionate and a good listener. Greeters don't have to have all the answers. Just be good listeners and be willing to pray with the parent/guardian. Commitment level is for the season April 1-Oct 31. Pick which afternoon(s) M-Th 4-6:30 that work for you either weekly or biweekly. Short Term VOlunteersHorse help- grooming, feeding and cleaning pastures- great for any age who just want to be around horses.
Requirements: ages 8+ or younger with adult supervision. No experience necessary, they will be shown what to do and/or work with an older volunteer. No commitment level. Gardening- RYR is a beautiful place that has flowers and a vegetable garden for our families to take home food! Requirements: Anyone with a green thumb that would like to help this side of the ministry blessing our families with food. Building & Maintenance- tree trimming, landscaping, fencing, ect. Requirements: knowhow. Administration- scheduling, accounting, mailing newsletters. Commitment level is low once a month. Event coordinator- once a year we have our Hoedown fundraiser with 200+ guests. Community Relations Coordinator- finding and reaching out to our community's different children services ( foster agencies, schools, other nonprofits etc) get connected with them, and learn their needs and how we can help them. Also connecting with the larger Body of Christ to let them know we are here in our community and are a place to serve and share the gospel. Connecting with local schools to find volunteers. Requirement: Any adult willing with good social and communication skills. |
Short Term Volunteer Application
Please complete this application and send/ email to vounteer@redemptionyouthranch.com